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Illustration of API Nation and Google logos along with a hand holding a stopwatch

How To Speed Up Real Estate Transactions with Google Integrations

March 5, 2021

Staying Organized and Having a Few Key Integrations in Place Can Greatly Help To Reduce Transaction Time There’s a concept in physics known as entropy, which acknowledges that a system left to itself will gradually slide into disorder and chaos. In real estate, organization doesn’t just happen. Operations left unmanaged can become progressively more chaotic. […]

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Real Estate Workflows to Streamline Compliance

How Dotloop’s Workflows Simplify Real Estate Compliance

February 26, 2021

Streamline your Transaction Review and Approval Process Because compliance is such a critical function in real estate transactions, it’s a key reason why over 9,000 brokerages and teams choose our transaction management software. Here’s where dotloop’s Workflows can really help. What is a Workflow and How Does it Simplify Compliance? Workflows are not a checklist […]

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Constant Contact Integration with Dotloop

[Webinar] Creating a Successful Real Estate Email Marketing Strategy

February 19, 2021

Practical Ways Top Agents Use Email Marketing to Stay Connected with Clients Pre and Post Sale Master real estate email marketing with practical tips from Constant Contact’s digital marketing guru Matt Montoya and dotloop Strategic Partnerships Manager Byrd Bergeron.   Key takeaways from the webinar: Email Marketing is a Powerful Channel for Agents for every […]

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Image of potential home buyers bidding for a house

How to Win a Real Estate Bidding War

February 12, 2021

Discover the Key Steps Top Buying and Listing Agents Follow to Win Bidding Wars for Their Clients Bidding wars today can be brutal. In Miami. buying agents are finding it challenging to even get a showing from listing agents overwhelmed with demand. In Jacksonville, homes are selling so fast, the appraisals, which are still based […]

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Illustration of a real estate mega team

7 Habits of Highly Performing Real Estate Mega Teams

February 5, 2021

Adopt the Real Estate Winning Mindset to Succeed in Any Market In this second part of a 2-part series (see part 1), top real estate coach Sherri Johnson explores the key essential behaviors of effective and thriving real estate teams and how teams can achieve 7-figure incomes while accelerating year-over-year growth. Maybe you’re operating your […]

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Dotloop Scoop - Real Estate Insights

How Tech Helps Brokers and Team Leads Recruit and Retain

January 27, 2021

Q&A with Ken Laroza, Director of Broker Relations at Zillow From office receptionist and admin to office manager, broker on record and now Zillow Director of Broker Relations, Ken Laroza shares with dotloop’s Byrd Bergeron how technology has shaped his personal real estate journey and how brokers and teams lead by learning. The first thing […]

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Top 5 Strategies to Convert Millennial Renters into Home Buyers

Top 5 Strategies to Convert Millennial Renters into Home Buyers

January 15, 2021

Industry Insiders and Agents Share Tips on How to Fast-track Home Buying for Millennial Renters One outcome of the COVID pandemic is the number of millennials who are fast-tracking their home buying plans. In a recent survey, about 75% of millennials report they’ve been working remotely since the pandemic hit and, of those respondents, 63% […]

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How Dotloop's Success Team Helps Real Estate Pros

How Dotloop’s Success Team Helps Agents and Admins in a Virtual World

January 8, 2021

As a Dotloop Partner Success Manager I’ve seen firsthand how the Success Team here at dotloop can help empower real estate brokerages and teams by using dotloop’s transaction management software in a way that fits their business needs. We work closely with admin and office staff during the onboarding process to ensure that brokerages and […]

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8 Habits of Highly Productive Real Estate Agents

8 Habits of Highly Productive Real Estate Agents

December 18, 2020

Adopt the Real Estate Winning Mindset to Succeed in Any Market The real estate market is affected by so many factors, and yet top, elite agents find a way to always grow and thrive in any market. I remember my first manager telling me that I could make it in any market because I went […]

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