3 Ways to Boost Your Online Profile with Social Media



August 15, 2012 | comments

An effective online profile is an essential aspect of marketing for every type of business and nowhere more so than for realtors.

Real estate agents need to invest in their online profile more than workers from other sectors because their success has its foundation in establishing and maintaining relationships. Lacking a strong online presence is the social equivalent to issuing a statement that you are unavailable.

Unavailable realtors are unsuccessful realtors. To stay connected and keep online contacts and followers interested, three steps are key:

Make social interaction a priority. Interact online and offline and dedicate a part of every day to participation in important social sites. Respond to comments on your Facebook page, post videos to YouTube and interact with others on Twitter.

Share useful information. Provide links to helpful information, preferably on a daily basis. Link to information your clients and potential clients will find useful, whether that’s on your website or another site within the industry. Make time to write and publish articles and videos about real estate topics and you just might end up being viewed as one of the experts in your field.

Be a communicator, not a megaphone. Do more than just push information out through social media. Interact, answer questions and strike up conversations – this increases your reach and makes your name more easily recognizable as an expert in real estate.

When you leverage social media well, you create an accurate online persona that reflects who you are as both an agent and an expert.

To learn about ways that real estate technology can give you more time for increasing your online presence, contact dotloop today.