3 Creative Ways to Get More Referrals



August 20, 2012 | comments

Referrals are the lifeblood of real estate. Clients who are buying or selling today might be out of the market in a month, could move away, may switch to another realtor, or worse, may pass away. To avoid ending up with a dangerously low number of clients, you have to be proactive and dedicate time to getting new ones in a variety of ways.

Arguably the best way to meet new clients is with referrals. Getting a referral from a current or former client is like having a stamp of approval – the referred client knows they can trust you to do your job well.

That trust is invaluable in building a new client relationship.

Three creative ways to get more referrals are:
1. Ask. It seems obvious, but all too often this simple question is overlooked. Your client won’t know to send referrals your way unless you ask, so be sure that you do.

2. Post videos that are both fun and informative. Make a video or two that includes both humor and helpful information.

3. Host a virtual question and answer session. Social media are a great avenue for reaching your clients’ friends and business contacts. Let your Facebook friends or Twitter followers know that you want to answer all of their real estate questions during a certain timeframe on a certain day. Encourage them to invite anyone they know who might be looking to buy or sell a home and you will build a circle of referrals.

Ultimately, getting referrals starts by providing your current clients with the best experience possible. To learn about real estate technology that can help simplify real estate processes, contact dotloop today.