Managing Leads to Organize Your Success in Real Estate



September 05, 2012 | comments

Getting a new lead is always exciting. That new person represents potential for success and who knows what the budding relationship will lead to? He or she might be in the market for multiple properties over the years and could end up referring you to dozens of contacts.

But as exciting as it is and as vital as those leads are to growing your business, it’s easy to get lost chasing leads that may never develop.

How do you know when it’s time to abandon your efforts?

Learn how to read the red flags, including these two surefire signs your lead is a dud:

  • They don’t want to communicate: You’ve called, emailed and otherwise followed-up on that seemingly strong lead, but all you hear is crickets. Don’t take it personally – if a lead isn’t responding, its possible they aren’t ready to work right now or have found a different agent.
  • They don’t know what they want: If you have established some a relationship with a lead but they aren’t ready to start looking, let them go. Make sure they have your contact information and will remember you positively, then move on to the next client. When they’re ready to work, they’ll think of you first.

In real estate, it’s easier than you might think to keep in touch with potential leads without spending unnecessary time nurturing one that isn’t ready.

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