Using Email Campaigns to Engage Customers | Dotloop

Using Email Campaigns to Effectively Engage Customers



June 11, 2012 | comments

Although marketing strategies can vary somewhat by industry, they all essentially have the same goal. At the end of the day, every business invests in marketing to sell more of their products or services. In the case of real estate, marketing is more effective when it engages potential clients. Strategies that engage customers are going to work better in any field but for realtors, it’s especially important to carry out campaigns that accomplish this.

Just as relationships with clients are an important part of realty on a person to person basis, they are also important before you have even met potential clients. Now you may be wondering how it is remotely possible to begin to establish relationships with clients whom you have never met. This can certainly be accomplished at a basic level and happens with marketing that engages them. Sharing articles and videos on social media sites and then asking for comments is just one example of marketing that engages. Email campaigns that provide helpful information and ask readers to click on links to helpful online videos is another means of marketing that engages people. Provide potential clients with applications that they can interact with and they will be more likely to remember you when buying or selling real estate.

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