3 Myths About Real Estate Technology Adoption | Dotloop

3 Myths About Real Estate Technology Adoption



August 01, 2017 | comments

Let’s face it: the real estate industry isn’t known for being on the cutting edge of technology adoption. This is a shame, especially given the explosive growth of real estate technology and the millions of dollars and hours that this technology could save.

Stop wasting time and leaving money on the table

Here are the 3 most common myths about how real estate agents embrace new technology in their day-to-day work.

MYTH 1: If your brokerage invests in new technology, agents will automatically use it.

FACT: Once you invest in a new technology, you also need to invest in the training and support to drive successful adoption.

When you unbox a new cell phone, you spend hours customizing it to your personal needs. Similarly, for agents to most effectively use new real estate technology, they need to commit time and care to understanding and customizing it for their professional needs.

Make it easy for your agents to adopt new technology by offering extensive training programs that help them get up to speed. Agents benefit when they are properly on-boarded onto a new system, rather than being forced to master it on their own.

It’s also imperative to inspire agents to use the technology. Leadership should share the reasoning behind each new tech investment and describe how it will benefit agents and the business in both the short- and long-term


MYTH 2: Your agents will adopt new technology – even if leaders don’t use them.

FACT: There’s a greater chance your agents will implement new tech into their routine if they see their leaders using them regularly.

Leaders must lead by example and adopt new technology themselves. When agents see the time and dedication you are putting into learning and using the new platforms, it shows them that you truly see value in it, making it more likely to do the same.

Don’t be afraid to ask for you agents’ feedback and perspectives on the new technology along the way. Encouraging open conversations not only signals to your agents that you’re interested in their feedback but also inspires adoption as agents are influenced by the positive opinions of peers.


MYTH 3: Learning all the bells and whistles of a new technology is time-consuming and useless.

FACT: You can incorporate new tools into your daily work as needed. A small piece of what any technology can offer can lead to efficiencies.

Yes, attempting to learn and use every feature of your new technology may hinder your day-to-day success more than help it. However, there’s no need to go whole hog upfront: you can adopt features based on your team’s specific needs.

If your agents are eager to update their entire process and itching to learn, go full steam ahead! But be sensitive if agents seem resistant or less willing, and allow them to slowly immerse themselves in the new platform.

No two agents work exactly the same way, so encourage your people to test out the technology options available and create a process that works best for them. Once they start using a particular aspect of the tool, they may eventually expand usage down the road.

Most importantly, consider your agents and their working styles when you select new tools to help them get their work done. Once you’ve chosen a new technology, provide trainings to get your agents up to speed, and be sure to also implement the technology into your own daily routine.

Bonus: For more on agent adoption, check out our 4-Step Guide to Implementing a Collaborative Real Estate Platform (PDF version included).