How to make it into the top 8 percent


Greg Dipaolo

January 12, 2017 | comments

A study reported that about 45 percent of Americans will make resolutions when the new year begins. That same, Journal of Clinical Psychology study reported that 54 percent give up on their resolutions within six months – and only 8 percent ultimately succeed by the end of the year. Just 8 percent!

Even if you don’t believe that New Year’s resolutions work, having goals for the new year can help you achieve them. Goals and resolutions are essentially the same thing. We make resolutions in both my personal and professional life. And, We have to make them achievable so that we can feel good about reaching them at the end of the year.

So how do you make sure that you are in the 8 percent club?

The first step is understanding why so many people fail at achieving resolutions, and what are the secrets behind those who succeed.

Resolutions fail because they are all over the place and lack focus. Many times, we lay out a laundry list of resolutions for ourselves. When we take on too much at once, our brain chemistry works against us. Successful resolutions require self-control, and self-control is an exhaustible resource. Having too many New Year’s resolutions is a prescription for not keeping any of them. Even though making a resolution is thrilling, keeping it isn’t easy and many people aren’t ready to make the serious commitment needed to succeed.

3 simple steps towards achieving your goals

  1. Keep it simple: Don’t set out to accomplish a long list of resolutions, instead stay focused on what’s really important to you.
  2. Set short-term goals: To get long-term results, break your resolutions into small, manageable chunks.
  3. Share your resolutions: Keep yourself accountable and explicitly state your goals by telling others about them. People who follow this rule are more likely to succeed.

Applying it to your business

Just like resolutions need to be simple, so should the process and systems you put in place for your business. Resolutions that stick are uncomplicated and the same can be said about the processes and systems you adopt in your business. If it is complicated, no one will do it, or use it – resulting in a waste of time and money.

At dotloop, we believe in simplicity. Our platform was built to simplify the transaction process and you see that theme present throughout our product – from our all-in-one platform, easy on-boarding process for new agents and dashboard that provides you with real-time visibility into the transactions occurring within your brokerage. We’ve found that when you keep things focused and you choose to simplify business processes, you reap the benefits through agent engagement, productivity, and overall real estate business growth.

So in 2017, keep things simple. Pick one resolution at a time or one solution that will simplify the business process. Make it specific and real. Practice it every day. And every day, you’ll be one step closer to making your resolution a reality.

Good luck, and here’s to a prosperous 2017!